Buch Nr. 102 / 25.03.2007

Diagrams - Part 1

* The Stories of Mellow Units KAWAMURA Miyuki
* Helmet NISHIKAWA Seiji

Serial Essays

* Afternoon Origami David BRILL
* Origami Sampo Diggedly Determined MAEKAWA Jun
* Origami Sampo DIggedly Determined MAEKAWA Jun
* Origami and Its Neighbors FUSE Tomoko
* This Origami and That JOAS


* Counting the Number of Unique Configurations of Flat-Folded Origami Reconstructed from a Crease Pattern MITANI Jun
* JOAS Report of the 17th Year and Prospects of the 18th Year JOAS

Diagrams - Part 2 - and Crease Pattern

* F/A-18 Hornet YOSHINO Issei (Diagrams vy MIYAJIMA Noboru)
* Housemaid KAMIYA Ryo
