Buch Nr. 110 / 25.07.2008

Diagrams - Part 1

* Shell Patterned Modeules KAWASHIMA Hideaki
* Varieties of Husimi Origami Cranes KAWASAKI Toshikazu

Serial Essays

* Learning from the Paperfolding of the Past - "Paper Magic"(R. Harbin) David LISTER
* From the Bookshelves of the JOAS Library MAEKAWA Jun
* A Long Excursus on Crease Lines MEGURO Toshiyuki
* Paper Folders on File - SATO Naomiki MAEKAWA Jun
* Origami and Its Neighbors FUSE Tomoko
This Origami and That NISHIKAWA Seiji


* HUSIMI Kodi - A Man with a Everlasting Dream - MIURA Koryo and others

Diagrams - Part 2 - and Crease Pattern

* Crane KAMIYA Satoshi
* Sea Bream IGARASHI Tomosuke
* And others
